Post #257

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Poppy and the corn field

23rd February 2004, late at night | Comments (16)

I took these the other day when I took Poppy for a walk.

You know, I could really do with another person to help when I'm taking photos of her. Pointing and saying Go there... no, there... look, Poppy, Poppy! Yes, good girl, now go there... look, here's a stick, see? Fetch it! Go on! There. No, fetch it... alright, yes, very good, now, stay, stay... no, stay! Oh, forget it. Yes, good girl, well done, no, off, off! just doesn't seem to work.

Plus, the sight of me lying down on the ground (which I usually do when I photograph animals) seems irresistible to her, and she ends up leaping all over me, licking me to death.

Daft animal :o)

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Comments (16)

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  1. Elaine:

    I have the same problem with my cats...lots of lovely pictures of their backs as they wander right under the camera to rub against my legs. :)

    Posted 1 hour, 12 minutes after the fact
  2. Mark:

    My jack russel isn't like that at all.
    She loves getting her picture taken.
    She'll even pose.
    Ironically enough her name is Sassy.

    Posted 3 hours, 6 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Richard H.
  3. Jon Hicks:

    "You know, I could really do with another person to help when I'm taking photos of her."

    So_that's_what I'm going to be doing this weekend! ;o)

    Posted 9 hours, 45 minutes after the fact
  4. Lionfire:

    Don't worry, small children are just as difficult to photograph: Lots of shots of the back of heads, the blur of a child dashing in the wrong direction, or just a drooly finger poked into the camera.

    It seems that only adults are sensible enough to restrain themselves from the uncontrollable urge to run up and stuff something into the lens. Well, not all adults.

    Posted 10 hours, 57 minutes after the fact
  5. Richard H.:

    The same our Cocker Albertine, when she notices that somebody wants to take a shot of her, she stops, poses and waits for a flashlight... ;-)

    Posted 12 hours, 15 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Mark
  6. Jim Reverend:

    Another excellent photograph. I like the second better than the first, and, I like them even better as a series. Well done.

    Not that it really matters as your talen supercedes your equipment, but, what camera do you use?

    Posted 13 hours, 19 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  7. Sian:

    You have to admit though, Poppy is very photogenic.

    Posted 19 hours, 8 minutes after the fact
  8. Antoine:

    Hooo I like your jack russel. She's indeed very photogenic ;)

    I would like to know, does a jack russel could be happy in a big city? I mean some dogs are more suitable for city than others but I dont know for those funny dogs..

    Posted 19 hours, 27 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan, ↓ Margaret
  9. Dunstan:

    It's a Canon EOS 10D with a 28-135mm IS USM Canon lens and a 1GB Flash Card:

    Posted 19 hours, 50 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jim Reverend
    Inspired: ↓ Jim Reverend, ↓ Jan!
  10. Dunstan:

    Well Antoine, I certainly wouldn't have Poppy in a city - she goes a bit mad just being in the house all day, and if she didn't have fields to run around in, and rabbit holes to burrow in, and deer to chase, she'd be completely bonkers.

    She'd also be unbearable to own.

    I'm sure some people have Jack Russels in cities, and maybe their dogs' personalities suit such a life, but Poppy is not such a dog.

    Posted 19 hours, 56 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Antoine
  11. Jim Reverend:

    You lucky bastard. Well... that explains why they are so crisp and clear. The sensor on that camera is awesome, and Canon glass is (arguably) the best in the world.

    I used to own a Nikon D100. It got stolen and I've yet to replace it.

    Posted 20 hours, 4 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  12. Dunstan:

    Actually, Photoshop is the reason they're so sharp ;o)

    But you're right, it is a great camera, and _so_ much better than anything else I've played with in terms of image quality.

    I just wish they made them much smaller - I'm going to have to buy a little point-and-shoot for all those times it's not possible to take the SLR with me...

    And oh yes, I read about your camera being taken - horrible. I'd go spare if I lost mine :o(

    Posted 20 hours, 16 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jim Reverend
    Inspired: ↓ Jim Reverend, ↓ Sian
  13. Jim Reverend:

    As far as a point-and-shoot goes, I like my Canon Powershot A80. However, it sooooooo slow compared to the D100 (and, I'm sure, your 10D). It annoys me to have to look at the LCD to take a picture, and the viewfinder is horrible. I hear the Canon G5 is much faster and better than this. They run about US$600 (vs. US$300 for the A80), which is why I didn't get one instead. I think, however, that if you're used to the speed and responsivness of your 10D, a point-and-shoot digital will just make you angry. :)

    (P.S. Once again... I love the new comment box with my details below the comment text. It's so much easier to use this way.)

    Posted 20 hours, 23 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Sian, ↓ Jan!
  14. Margaret:

    antoine, my jack russel lives in the city and is pretty happy. course, she has a yard, but as long as you take her out in the car sometimes, she's happy. if you live in the city, i'd either get an older jack russel or the calmest puppy you can find, because they are really hyperactive puppies :)

    Posted 20 hours, 42 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Antoine
  15. Sian:

    I've got an A80 and love it to bits. G5's are still bulky Jim, and I think Dunstan would be back to square one with portability. There are S50's which offer similar features to a G50 but at a smaller size.

    Posted 23 hours, 52 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan, ↑ Jim Reverend
    Inspired: ↓ Jan!
  16. Jan!:

    What ISO, shutter, and other settings did you use to get such great action shots?

    As for small digital cameras, I've got a Canon Digital Ixus 400 (known as Digital Elph in the US), and am quite happy with it. It sucks for action shots, though: too slow, too much noise at ISO >= 200.

    Posted 1 week after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan, ↑ Jim Reverend, ↑ Sian

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