Post #177

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Chav scum

21st January 2004, evening time | Comments (10)

How to spot a member of Britain’s burgeoning peasant underclass. [via]

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  1. Bev Montenaro:

    As you can see from my link they have chavs in USA as well :

    Posted 2 weeks, 5 days after the fact
  2. Laura:

    I am curently working on the fist ever teenage boy fashion magazine, I need to urgently speak to any chavscum available!! For interview

    Posted 2 months after the fact
  3. Drew B:

    Americans don't really know what Chavs are yet: Click on my name above and read some comments from readers in the US wondering what the difference is between a Chav and white trash!

    Posted 10 months, 3 weeks after the fact
  4. Natz:

    wat is wiv evry1 slaggin off chavs? i have a chav coat (musto) and i av chav jewelry but it want cheap, u jus make out like they are tacky n common, buit not all of us go around startin fights n live on estates, sum of us actualy jus like the coats, designs and jewelry! who ever made this site are FUCKIN WANKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted 1 year after the fact
  5. Kerri:

    Haha chavs suck so much ass, Northampton is over run by them urgh i hate them! They all look the same! x

    Posted 1 year after the fact
  6. Sam:

    Bling bling yo yo me homies *strikes bad boy pose* even though I'm female!

    Posted 1 year, 1 month after the fact
  7. Paul:

    I was wondering lately on how to counter act the CHAV culture, oh you know the ones, the brainless zombies who love the saville row sports attire, and the sad burberry hats.Well can't we have them walking around the Iraqi border clearing mines in the mine infested desert, if one does happen to explode (go off maaaan << chav speak) im sure there will be ample replacements, burberry caps and coats are a must as this attire blends in well with the desert scene, although girl CHAVS (you know the ones, pregnant and 15) would have perhaps a problem with baby buggies but we can soon fit these with parts to adapt to the soft sandy conditions. Also i am grieved to hear the old toffs (idle rich) seem to be tearful of their favourite pastime being cruelly taken away by this somewhat robust labour government, well why not give the FOXES a rest and have some CHAV's take their place, i nice run across a pompos upper class twats field will do wonders for a CHAV's health, dispensing with all that fatty McDonald's food they all love to be seen stuffing themselves with and having all the barbecue sauce staining the 2 carat gold chains, go on lets give the sport back to the toffs. ;-)

    Posted 1 year, 1 month after the fact
  8. Paul:

    I was thinking of writing a play this awesome theater production would be a parallel of the hit TOMMY (Pete Townsend Tommy) The production will be known as CHAVVY, the story of a blind boy who's inconsiderate parents constantly dress "CHAVVY" up in sportswear and Burberry caps and coats and forces fast food products on him and "bling,bling" jewelry. In the story "chavvy" finds his "talents" in shoplifting and ram-raiding clothes stores, and thus becomes known as Chavvy the ram-raiding wizard. His parents relationship thus suffers when they start to hit the drink (Babysham or pink lady) thus chavvy's life goes into a roller coaster of up and downs. I think this has potential ;-)

    Posted 1 year, 1 month after the fact
  9. Rich:

    fuking chav wankers! just seen that piss poor documentary on Sky one! what a load of shite! I am working class, does that make me a!

    they completetly misunderstood what is meant by chav. someone with no fukin taste who thinks being a gobby little shite is cool. And who wears stuff not because it looks good on them but because their mates do...

    shit! fuck em! I live in Portsmouth wher they are rife....tossers. get rid of trhe fuckers!

    keep up the good work!

    Posted 1 year, 1 month after the fact
  10. Steve:

    There are many honest hard working people within the society of Britain, and these people should be praised. However, there is a thorn in our society the people known as the "chav". The majority of these chavs simply live to feed off what the government, more than generously provides for them out of our pocket. The recent programme on sky one "CHAV" fully illustrates this, as it was clearly shown that many simply lived off the welfare state and our quickly crippling our economy. Why do these people think it is OK to simply live off the rest of us while we have to work our entire lives simply to support there "holiday or jewelery/bling funds". I suggest rather than thinking about their next benefit cheque they think about getting a job! I am well aware there are many out there who cannot get work for various reasons and those among the working class who do work hard for a living yet earn little, it is these people who truly deserve our help and the comment above is by no way aimed at these people.

    Posted 1 year, 1 month after the fact

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